Compact Privilege to Practice Status Update
Thank you for your interest in the OT Compact!
In order to practice through the Compact, practitioners need a Privilege to Practice. As of April 2024, Compact Privilege applications are not yet open. Over the next 12 to 18 months, the OT Compact Commission will be working to develop and implement the infrastructure needed for operational purposes. Once finished, we expect applications to be available. This may occur in early 2025.
Where can I find the application when it opens?
- This website ( will have links to the application.
What information will the application require?
- Each practitioner will need to provide basic identifying information, such as a national practitioner identification number or social security number, and proof of licensure in their home state.
What is the application fee?
- The fee for a privilege will vary by state and will be decided by each state in the coming months.
What can I do in the meantime?
- Ensure your license remains up to date and in good standing in your home state.
- Determine whether the state in which you would like to obtain a Compact Privilege is a member of the Compact.
- If your home state and/or a state in which you’d like to obtain a Compact Privilege is not a member of the compact, work with the state occupational therapy association to advocate for the Compact to be enacted in the state.
- If a state in which you would like to obtain a Compact privilege to practice is not a member of the Compact, you can still obtain a license in that state through the state’s standard licensure process.
- Read our FAQ page for answers to any other questions.